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Univerza v Leónu vabi študente s področja začetnega izobraževanja učiteljev (ITE), da se pridružijo njihovemu tečaju: Inovacije v izobraževanju tujih jezikov.
Tečaj bo potekal na daljavo od 15. novembra do 20. decembra 2022, obdobje fizične mobilnosti pa bo od 9. do 13. januarja 2023 (5 dni).

Tečaj se bo izvedel kot kombiniran intenzivni program Erasmus+. Študenti ste upravičeni do Erasmus+ štipendije. Aktualni razpis najdete tukaj.

Več informacij v njihovem obvestilu:

This course will be offered as an ERASMUS+Blended Intensive Programme. This means that it will combine 1) online lectures by invited guest speakers, 2) international online collaboration in working groups between student teachers and secondary school teachers and 3) a final week-long period at the University of León, Spain (in January 2023)  which will involve the conclusion of project work and other events.

The BIP currently involves UNI León in Spain and UNI Bochum in Germany. We are looking for a third class of Initial Teacher Education in Europe to complete the partnership.

The course is also open to individual students of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) at universities in Europe and to individual in-service teachers in secondary schools in Europe.


  • Online period: 15 November – 20 December 2022
  • Physical mobility period: 9-13 January 2023 (5 days)

(During the online period, participants are expected to take part actively in asynchronous activities (2-3 hours per week) and one hour synchronous videoconferencing on Fridays 18.00-19.00 CET.

Funding for the physical mobility should be requested from your home institution as part of Erasmus+ funding.

Course aims:

  • To provide participants with an introduction to various new developments in foreign language teaching.
  • To provide participants with opportunities to (critically) reflect on teaching traditions in their countries and to exchange experiences with participants from other countries.

Course Objectives:

  • Participants will learn about key issues related to innovation in foreign language education through online lectures and discussion of reading materials.
  • Participants will engage in task-based discussions with student teachers and in-service teachers from various European countries around the theme of innovation in foreign language education across Europe.
  • Participants will develop classroom-based projects and learning materials based on the themes of the course.

Participants: The course is open to classes of ITE in UNI Bochum and UNI León as well as FLT student teachers from other ITE courses in different countries. It is also open to in-service teachers recruited from VALIANT.

Themes of invited lectures:

  • Gamification in FL education
  • Developments in the CEFR
  • Developments in Approaches to Intercultural Learning – Competences for Democratic Competence / Global citizenship
  • Fandom in FL education – Shannon Sauro

Stage 1: Online lectures and group discussions

  • Tuesday 15 November (16.00-17.00 and asynchronous):  Online lecture / talk + online discussion with guest speaker (This will be recorded for those who cannot attend online lecture.)
  • Friday 18 November (18.00-19.00 CET): Working group ‘getting to know’ sessions and tasks
  • Tuesday 22 November (16.00-17.00 and asynchronous): Online lecture / talk + online discussion with guest speaker (This will be recorded for those who cannot attend online lecture.)
  • Friday evening 25 November (18.00-19.00 CET): Online Working Group meetings
  • Tuesday 29  November (16.00-17.00 and asynchronous): Online lecture / talk + online discussion with guest speaker (This will be recorded for those who cannot attend online lecture.)
  • Friday 2 December (18.00-19.00 CET): Online Working Group meetings
  • Tuesday 6 December (16.00-17.00 and asynchronous): Online lecture / talk + online discussion with guest speaker (This will be recorded for those who cannot attend online lecture.)
  • Friday  9 December (18.00-19.00 CET): Online Working Group meetings

Stage 2: Online collaborative project work

  • Friday 13 December: Online group work (16.00-17.00) – agreeing on project for your working group
  • Friday 16 December: Online group work – Further planning of project
  • Friday 20 December: Online group work – Establishing how group work in León will be organised.

Stage 3: On-campus collaborative work in León

9-13 January 2023 (4 days):

  • Conclusion of project group work (hybrid, if necessary)
  • Presentation of projects
  • Cultural events and activities in León

Click here for more information on Blended Intensive Programmes.

To take part in the Blended Intensive Programme, students must ensure that their university has a bilateral agreement signed with the University of León. (This can be arranged quite easily.)

Participants who successfully take part in the online course and attend the on-campus events in León will be awarded by the University of León a certification for 3 ECTS. It is the participant’s responsibility to have these credits recognised in their own institution.

Participants should consult with their international office before taking part in the programme in order to establish how to access Erasmus+ travel funds for the week in León.

For more information please contact Robert O’Dowd ( and Sina Werner (


Vse aktualne informacije v zvezi z mednarodno izmenjavo študentov in mednarodnim sodelovanjem, bomo objavljali v Erasmus novicah.

Na njih se lahko naročite na tej povezavi.


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