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KOMBINIRAN INTENZIVNI PROGRAM NA PORTUGALSKEM: Multi-Spectral Imaging and System Analysis: tools for smart water management

Objavljeno: 17. 8. 2022

Politehnični inštitut Beja vabi študente in učitelje, da se pridružijo kombiniranemu intenzivnemu programu ERASMUS+: Multi-Spectral Imaging and System Analysis: tools for smart water management.

Program bo potekal v čudoviti pokrajini Alentejo, Portugalska v 3 tednih, ki ji sledita 2 tedna spletnih srečanj, delavnice, seminarji, izleti in različne kulturne dejavnosti.

Uradne prijave se odprejo septembra. Zainteresirane študente in učitelje vabijo, da izrazijo interes za sodelovanje tako, da pošljejo e-pošto na tem e-naslovu:

Tečaj se bo izvedel kot kombiniran intenzivni program Erasmus+. Študenti ste upravičeni do Erasmus+ štipendije. Aktualni razpis najdete tukaj.

Več informacij v njihovem obvestilu:


It’s my pleasure to first announce and invite your students to participate in the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP):

ERASMUS+ BIP:  Multi-Spectral Imaging and System Analysis: tools for smart water management Sentinel-2 MSI for water quality monitoring

7 th Edition | 8 ECTS | February – March, 2023 | IPBeja – Portugal

Teachers  are very welcome to collaborate as well!

The Erasmus BIP is taking place at Polytechnic Institute of Beja, located  in the beautiful region of Alentejo, Portugal, for 5 weeks in February/March 2023 (8 ECTS): 3 weeks face-to-face followed by 2 weeks of online sessions.

Despite official registrations are just opening in September, interested students and teachers are invited to express participation interest by sending an e-mail to

I kindly ask partners to spread this Erasmus BIP among your students and for supporting us in advertising it!. Brochure attached!

Thank you for your partnership and collaboration!

Enjoy the summer and all the best!


Vse aktualne informacije v zvezi z mednarodno izmenjavo študentov in mednarodnim sodelovanjem, bomo objavljali v Erasmus novicah.

Na njih se lahko naročite na tej povezavi.

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